Blownaway "Illegal immigration puts a strain on the system"
It may, it may, buy I wonder how much of the 21 trillion dollar national debt and the hundreds of billions of dollars in annual deficits are caused by illegal aliens. It's a tough one, they take and give in ways that are hard to measure. For example, the lettuce or packaged meat, or nannies, or house cleaning are a lot cheaper thanks to illegal aliens. Those benefits to individual Americans gets lost. But even if you did your economics math in the worst possible way, even then the big problem facing this country is not illegal aliens. It's much, much bigger than that. But, who gives a shit, 21 trillion dollar debt doesn't stir any emotions in nativists, patriots, chauvinists. May be it is because the U.S. never ranks better than 30th in math and science when compared to other nations. I bet you most Americans don't even know how many zeros to put in a trillion. And the ones who know are likely immigrants or children of from Asian countries (Korea, China, India, Phillipines). America is starting to look like Germany in 1933.